Sunday, September 27, 2009


Totally forgot I had a blog for a few days, hahahaha. Uhm......nothing has been on my mind lately that I needed to blog about. I started college last week! It's been a breeeeeeeeze, (cause I only had two days of classes). I have a 2 page paper due on Tuesday and some reading that I haven't started on yet...I read like the first two sentences and got bored, it was about reading strategies? UHHHH yeah wtf, didn't get my attention. But I know I have to do it NOW, cause I can't be procrastinating already! It's only been two days!! *sighh...I wish lectures weren't so boring either..Anywho my parents got a new house to rent out but we're not renting it out till a little bit later, so I'll be staying over there over the weekends probably. I wish we could move there and rent my current house out. That house is sooooooooooo much nicer AND it's brand new AND equipped with everything so we don't even have to buy any appliances AND I would get a walk-in closet :P lol Oh well, it's never going to happen. I'm gonna have to cut it shot and end here. BYE

love, Nancy

Sunday, September 20, 2009


So he really didn't talk to me the whole day today, plus more since its 2 a.m. What is this supposed to mean? I mean, I texted him twice and called him twice, no response, and I think he ignored my calls I have a feeling he's starting to get too caught up with his friends and he's doesn't really give a shit about me. I mean really though, if he thought about me or missed me in any way, he would of said SOMETHING to me, but he didn't. I'm not really surprised this happened so soon, he did it last year, of course he's gonna do it again this year. But of course when you love/care about someone it, it's nice for them to love/care about you back, but when they don't or stop, it hurts. It makes me feel like, shit. Like am I not good enough for you to love/care about? Well, long distance relationships aren't made to last anyway. I remember last year, we spoke to each other so little that it was WEIRD actually seeing him, I wouldn't even kiss him in the beginning, cause we drifted apart from each other so much, it was like, are you REALLY my boyfriend? I don't really know how to explain it..but I have a hunch that this year, it's really not going to work out. I mean it's only been ONE WEEK, and we're already drifting apart. It's definitely not gonna happen..

On a happier note, I watched Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs and Tyler Perry's I Can Do Bad All By Myself today. Both good movies! I recommend both of them. CWACOM was inspiring to me lol, I mean, that guy, Flint, he kept on making his inventions despite being made fun of and how terrible his inventions were. He never gave up, he had moments where he's just not sure, but he was motivated in the end. It takes a lot of strength to do that. Even though he's just a made up character, I really learned from him, I guess that's one of the morals in the movie? TPICDBABM was also extremely inspiring, it made me laugh, it made me cry. Gosh, it was one good ass movie. What I got from this movie was, you can't be selfish and think about yourself all the time, there's a lot of people out there that needs your love and whatever you can give them. It's rewarding to not be selfish. I'm noticing that I'm slowly changing, I see the world differently now, I'm seeing things from a different angle, things this angle looks a lot brighter, makes me a happier person actually. I'm beginning to love myself, beginning to accept myself for who I am, beginning to express my true opinions and not just made up lies to please other people. I like this. :) I'm happy.

love, Nancy

P.S. I got some of the pictures from the photoshoot my family and I did in China. Here's two of them I really like:

that's my mom and my sister in the first one and my dad and my sister in the second one.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Headache =/

I have this giant headache right now, but I still decided to write something for today. Mmm let's see, I had breakfast at Doug's(restaurant) with Kristin, Vickie, and Kaila cause Vickie is leaving for college on Sunday and I guess this was the good-bye breakfast? haha, I only had french toast, I'm not much of a breakfast person, I'm never in the mood for breakfast..but yea. I did my "neutral everyday go-to eyes" today and I uploaded it to YouTube so just click on this post's title if you want to see it. After I did that video/tutorial, I thought I'd try doing red lips because Megan Fox just rocks it so well and it made me want to try it. So I put on red lipliner and red lipstick, I guess it looked alright, but with my kind of dramatic eyes today (because of the lashes) I kind of looked like a pornstar? LOL anywho, I took some pictures of it and one of them inspired me to sketch it, so I did. I would post it up here, but I'm kind of shy about it because I don't know, its really not that good, hahahha. If you're really curious, go ahead and message/comment me. Onto a totally different subject..I was supposed to visit my boyfriend at his college tomorrow with my dad, cause I don't want to drive 3 hours alone but my dad doesn't want to "waste gas" so he's not letting me go..I told my boyfriend that, and also said that I'll save up my money and go visit him by myself sometime this month or next month, telling him to not be worried about it and sorry for disappointing him(even though it was never "for sure"). And he goes, "Don't bother talking to me tomorrow". -_- talk about being immature! He's almost 20 years old and he's still acting like lil' freaking baby, wtf! I was trying to "comfort" him and telling him why I can't go is because of my dad, but he gets mad at ME? and tells me to "not bother talking to him tomorrow". Tell me that isn't the stupidest shit you've ever heard. It kind of makes me laugh thinking about how fucking immature it sounds. Really though, be fucking reasonable and think before you speak, shit. Lesson of day reader(s). I'm out.

love, Nancy

P.S. Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend to death, it's just sometimes.............nah I love him always.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


The weather has been so freakin weird lately, it's really hot then literally the day after it starts RAINING and thunderstorming, wtf?! Then a couple, and I mean a couple, days later it's hot again! Today was about 90 degrees and my mom told me it's gonna get hotter and hotter the next few days. But enough about weather, who really cares? haha. So I took these pictures of me for my boyfriend today cause ehh I was just bored. And I was looking at one of them and all of a sudden this whole new artistic side of me BLOOMS and decides to draw it. So I attempt to, and hey, who would of known, it actually turned out pretty Okay. Keep in mind that I have never ever ever ever drawn/sketched before in my life. I would post my drawing up but...let's just say it's not rated G. Anyways, I drew the damn picture, sent it to my boyfriend to look at, expecting some really good compliments, but you know what he says/texts? "lol why are you drawing it? hahah" WOW way to kill my mood. I mean I know he wasn't exactly dissing it or whatever but seriously? "hahah" didn't really help boost my confidence. Later he explains that he was just wondering where did this artistic side of me come from and said its really good. So yea, anyways, it's all good. I'm pretty proud of myself actually :D That's all for now, I might add more to this post later, who knows?

love, Nancy


It's almost 5 in the morning now and I'm still not asleep! This is ridiculousssssssss! I start school in less than a week (which means I'll have to wake up at 6 somedays)! So..if I had school tomorrow, and I went to bed right now and fell asleep right now, I would only get ONE HOUR of sleep. This is baddd, I'm gonna have to change my sleeping habits..starting...tomorrow :) I mean it's a little too late to start now. Anyways this is my first post on this blog and nobody is gonna read any this until I start "advertising" this blog on my YouTube channel(which btw you can go to by clicking on this post's title ;)..and maybe then I still won't get any views. HA whatever, I'm really just doing this for myself since I've been literally bored out of my freakin mind these past few days. And I will tell you why. Well, I actually don't really know why. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, my boyfriend just moved away to his college since he's also starting school soon and my sister started school recently too. BUT it's not like they are the only people in my life.....right....? I mean, I really didn't spend much time with my boyfriend this summer, I went on vacation for a month...he got a full time why do I feel so alone now??! Maybe it's a mental thing, now that I know he's a couple hundred miles away? I don't for my sister..I don't spend much time with her either. I mean I see her everyday but it's not like we have all these activities planned together. Usually when I'm home I stay in my room anyways. So why does it feel so DIFFERENT? You tell me..

WELL, I'm off to hit the hay! Goodnight

love, Nancy