Thursday, September 17, 2009


It's almost 5 in the morning now and I'm still not asleep! This is ridiculousssssssss! I start school in less than a week (which means I'll have to wake up at 6 somedays)! So..if I had school tomorrow, and I went to bed right now and fell asleep right now, I would only get ONE HOUR of sleep. This is baddd, I'm gonna have to change my sleeping habits..starting...tomorrow :) I mean it's a little too late to start now. Anyways this is my first post on this blog and nobody is gonna read any this until I start "advertising" this blog on my YouTube channel(which btw you can go to by clicking on this post's title ;)..and maybe then I still won't get any views. HA whatever, I'm really just doing this for myself since I've been literally bored out of my freakin mind these past few days. And I will tell you why. Well, I actually don't really know why. Buuuuuuuuuuuut, my boyfriend just moved away to his college since he's also starting school soon and my sister started school recently too. BUT it's not like they are the only people in my life.....right....? I mean, I really didn't spend much time with my boyfriend this summer, I went on vacation for a month...he got a full time why do I feel so alone now??! Maybe it's a mental thing, now that I know he's a couple hundred miles away? I don't for my sister..I don't spend much time with her either. I mean I see her everyday but it's not like we have all these activities planned together. Usually when I'm home I stay in my room anyways. So why does it feel so DIFFERENT? You tell me..

WELL, I'm off to hit the hay! Goodnight

love, Nancy

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